Friday, August 23, 2013

Fitness (Day 1)

Hey guys! One thing everyone says that they want to do is get into (or in my case BACK into) shape. So many people make working out their New Year's Resolution or just a personal goal.

So why don't w do it?

There are always so many excuses....."I will start tomorrow" "I don't have time right now" "I don't feel like going to the gym!"'s a quick exercise that will start you on your journey to fitness.

10 Minute AMRAP

(AMRAP=As Many Rounds As Possible)

Set your timer to 10 Minutes and do as many rounds as possible:
15 Squats
15 Jumping Lunges (Right Leg+  Left Leg =1)
15 Sit Ups

Sounds Easy Right?

N O T !

I died. Seriously? What kind of "Ninja" can't do a simple 10 Minute AMRAP? Me. Yep. Me. It was those darn Jumping Lunges that killed me. But it' only 10 Minutes and this is only day one so hopefully it will get better...right? Anyway good luck guys!

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